10 money saving school bus conversion ideas. How to build a skoolie on a budget.
bus life
Skoolie Conversion Overview
Cozy The BusCommentIt looks like Cozy is going to be featured in an upcoming book (more details coming soon, fingers crossed). So, I took some overview pictures of her, in her current state. I'm currently waiting for a ceiling vent/fan to arrive. Once that's installed, I will be completing the embossed wallpaper ceiling covering.
Skoolie Bathroom
Cozy The BusCommentHere are some update pictures of the potty area in the bus. The walls are made from old doors, the front of the enclosure is faced with birch bark sheets. Inside the enclosure I have a composting toilet, and Nessa's cat box.
Cozy Kithen (Part 3)
Cozy The BusCommentThe last minute scramble of moving out of my rental house caused me to neglect the blog. A lot has happened with Cozy. Here are some pictures of how the kitchen developed. I still don't have a faucet, but other than that, it's pretty much done. The faucet I ordered didn't fit, so the search for one that will work continues.
I have much more to share, so stay tuned, I promise to be back soon. Happy Sunday!
Cozy Progress
Cozy The Bus, Current EventsCommentBed frame with lots of storage space underneath.
Everything table (art studio/dining table/computer area).
"Bathroom" area.
Lots of progress being made in Cozy (thank you Sam for the help!). The bed is in, the everything-table is in place, and I built the potty area. The bathroom walls are made from doors purchased at an architectural salvage store. I will have a composting toilet, and the hole cut in the front of the enclosure allows the cat access to the cat box inside. I'm going to cut a small hole and mount a computer fan to vent inside the enclosure to keep things smelling nice and fresh in the bus.
More Pictures Of Skoolie
Cozy The BusCommentCozy the Bus had her first romantic sunset photo shoot. Here's a bit of bus porn - Enjoy!
I Got A Bus And Her Name Is Cozy
Current Events, Cozy The BusCommentMeet Cozy the skoolie. She was purchased in Arizona, and successfully made the trip back to Nevada - go Cozy! She is a short Ward diesel school bus. Thankfully Bo, the man that I purchased her from, waskind enough to remove her seats and the handicap lift. I am so grateful for his help!