Journey Home Made Artwork Inspired by Nature and Created For Free Spirits and Wanderers

Inspiration to fill your life with nature's beauty & positivity

Cozy Progress

Cozy The Bus, Current EventsJennifer LortonComment
Bed frame with lots of storage space underneath.

Bed frame with lots of storage space underneath.

Everything table (art studio/dining table/computer area).

Everything table (art studio/dining table/computer area).

"Bathroom" area.

"Bathroom" area.

Lots of progress being made in Cozy (thank you Sam for the help!). The bed is in, the everything-table is in place, and I built the potty area. The bathroom walls are made from doors purchased at an architectural salvage store. I will have a composting toilet, and the hole cut in the front of the enclosure allows the cat access to the cat box inside. I'm going to cut a small hole and mount a computer fan to vent inside the enclosure to keep things smelling nice and fresh in the bus.